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Custom Certificate Signing Requests

​​ Success codes

Endpoint Method HTTP Status Code
/api/v4/zones/:zone_id/custom_csrs POST 201 Created
/api/v4/zones/:zone_id/custom_csrs GET 200 OK
/api/v4/zones/:zone_id/custom_csrs/:custom_csr_id GET 200 OK
/api/v4/zones/:zone_id/custom_csrs/:custom_csr_id DELETE 200 OK

​​ Error codes

HTTP Status Code API Error Code Error Message
400 1400 Unable to decode the JSON request body. Check your input and try again.
400 1401 Zone ID is required. Check your input and try again.
400 1402 The request has no Authorization header. Check your input and try again.
400 1405 Country field is required. Check your input and try again.
400 1406 State field is required. Check your input and try again.
400 1407 Locality field is required. Check your input and try again.
400 1408 Organization field is required. Check your input and try again.
400 1409 Common Name field is required. Check your input and try again.
400 1410 The specified Common Name is too long. Maximum allowed length is %d characters. Check your input and try again.
400 1411 At least one subject alternative name (SAN) is required. Check your input and try again.
400 1412 Invalid subject alternative name(s) (SAN). SANs have to be smaller than 256 characters in length, cannot be IP addresses, cannot contain any special characters such as ~`!@#$%^&*()=+{}[] \;:’",<>/? and cannot begin or end with a ‘-’ character. Check your input and try again.
400 1413 Subject Alternative Names (SANs) with non-ASCII characters are not supported. Check your input and try again.
400 1414 Reserved top domain subject alternative names (SAN), such as ’test’, ’example’, ‘invalid’ or ’localhost’, is not supported. Check your input and try again.
400 1415 Unable to parse subject alternative name(s) (SAN) - :reason. Check your input and try again. Reasons: publicsuffix: cannot derive eTLD+1 for domain %q; publicsuffix: invalid public suffix %q for domain %q;
400 1416 Subject Alternative Names (SANs) ending in,, or are prohibited. Check your input and try again.
400 1417 Invalid key type. Only ‘rsa2048’ or ‘p256v1’ is accepted. Check your input and try again.
400 1418 The custom CSR ID is invalid. Check your input and try again.
401 1000 Unable to extract bearer token
401 1001 Unable to parse JWT token
401 1002 Bad JWT header
401 1003 Failed to verify JWT token
401 1004 Failed to get claims from JWT token
401 1005 JWT token does not have required claims
403 1403 No quota has been allocated for this zone. If you are already a paid Cloudflare for SaaS customer, contact your Customer Success Manager for additional provisioning. If you are not yet enrolled, fill out this contact form and our sales team will contact you.
403 1404 Access to generating CSRs has not been granted for this zone. If you are already a paid Cloudflare for SaaS customer, contact your Customer Success Manager for additional provisioning. If you are not yet enrolled, fill out this contact form and our sales team will contact you.
404 1419 The custom CSR was not found.
409 1420 The custom CSR is associated with an active certificate pack. You will need to delete all associated active certificate packs before you can delete the custom CSR.
500 1500 Internal Server Error