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Troubleshooting Cloudflare for SaaS

​​ Rate limits

By default, you may issue up to 15 certificates per minute. Only successful submissions (POSTs that return 200) are counted towards your limit. If you exceed your limit, you will be prevented from issuing new certificates for 30 seconds.

If you require a higher rate limit, contact your Customer Success Manager.

​​ Purge cache

To remove specific files from Cloudflare’s cache, purge the cache while specifying one or more hosts.

​​ Resolution error 1016 (Origin DNS error) when accessing the custom hostname

Cloudflare returns a 1016 error when the custom hostname cannot be routed or proxied.

There are two main causes of error 1016:

  1. Custom Hostname ownership validation is not complete. To check validation status, run an API call to search for a certificate by hostname and check the verification error field: "verification_errors": ["custom hostname does not CNAME to this zone."].
  2. Fallback Origin is not correctly set. Confirm that you have created a DNS record for the fallback origin and also set the fallback origin.

​​ Custom hostname in Moved status

To move a custom hostname back to an Active status, send a PATCH request to restart the hostname validation. A Custom Hostname in a Moved status is deleted after 7 days.

In some circumstances, custom hostnames can also enter a Moved state if your customer changes their DNS records pointing to your SaaS service. For more details, refer to Remove custom hostnames.