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Event logs

Spectrum logs the entire lifecycle of every client that connects through it. These event logs are available through Logpush as a separate category (dataset type spectrum_events); they are not part of HTTP log events.

For each connection, Spectrum logs a connect event and either a disconnect or error event. Details on status codes can be found below.

​​ Configure Logpush

Spectrum log events can be configured through the dashboard or API, depending on your preferred destination.

​​ Status Codes

Code Description
0 Connection was opened successfully.
200 Normal connection closure.
400 The TLS client hello sent during the client/edge TLS handshake contained an invalid SNI.
403 Connection closed because the client IP matched a firewall rule with deny action.
443 The client TLS handshake failed.
444 The origin closed the connection by sending a reset (RST) packet. Not all data may have been sent.
445 A timeout event (ETIMEDOUT) occurred on an established connection to origin.
446 Origin keepalive expired (EHOSTUNREACH).
447 Error while reading from or writing to an established origin connection (ECONNREFUSED).
448 Origin connection closed due to a broken pipe (EPIPE).
490 Client TLS error on established connection.
495 Client connection received an error (ECONNREFUSED).
496 Client host is unreachable (EHOSTUNREACH).
497 A timeout event (ETIMEDOUT) occurred on an established connection to client.
498 Established client connection closed due to broken pipe (EPIPE).
499 The client closed the connection by sending a reset (RST) packet. Not all data may have been sent.
500 Internal Cloudflare error.
503 Error related to performing the TLS handshake with keyless SSL.
520 Unknown origin connection error.
521 Origin refused to open the connection (ECONNREFUSED).
522 Opening a connection to origin failed: ETIMEDOUT
523 Opening a connection to origin failed: ENETUNREACH
524 Opening a connection to origin failed due to an internal system error.
530 Internal error while resolving origin to an IP.
531 Could not resolve origin to an IP.
532 The origin connection was not opened because the origin IP is blocked.
533 Internal error while resolving origin to an IP.
540 The client/edge TLS handshake failed due to an invalid configuration.
999 Unknown connection error.