Feature extraction models transform raw data into numerical features that can be processed while preserving the information in the original dataset.
- ID: @cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5 - used to
this model via SDK or API - Name: Feature extraction model
- Task: text-embeddings
- License type: MIT
- Terms + Information
import { Ai } from '@cloudflare/ai'export interface Env {// If you set another name in wrangler.toml as the value for 'binding',// replace "AI" with the variable name you defined.AI: any;}export default {async fetch(request: Request, env: Env) {const ai = new Ai(env.AI);// Can be a string or array of strings]const stories = ['This is a story about an orange cloud','This is a story about a llama','This is a story about a hugging emoji']const embeddings = await ai.run('@cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5', {text: stories});return new Response(JSON.stringify(embeddings));},};
async function run(model, input) {const response = await fetch(`https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/ai/run/${model}`,{headers: { Authorization: "Bearer {API_TOKEN}" },method: "POST",body: JSON.stringify(input),});const result = await response.json();return result;}// Can be a string or array of strings]const stories = ['This is a story about an orange cloud','This is a story about a llama','This is a story about a hugging emoji'];run('cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5', { text: input }).then((response) => {console.log(JSON.stringify(response));});
import requestsAPI_BASE_URL = "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/ai/run/"headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {API_TOKEN}"}def run(model, input)response = requests.post(f"{API_BASE_URL}{model}", headers=headers, json=input)return response.json()stories = ['This is a story about an orange cloud','This is a story about a llama','This is a story about a hugging emoji']output = run("@cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5", { input: stories })
$ curl https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/ai/run/@cf/baai/bge-base-en-v1.5 \-X POST \-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_TOKEN}" \-d '{ "text": "['This is a story about an orange cloud','This is a story about a llama','This is a story about a hugging emoji']" }'
Example Workers AI response
{"input": {"text":"Tell me a joke about Cloudflare"},"response": {"shape":[1,768],"data": [[0.03190500661730766, 0.006071353796869516, 0.025971125811338425,...]]},"batchedInput": {"text": ["Tell me a joke about Cloudflare","The weather is sunny"]},"batchedResponse": {"shape":[2,768],"data":[[0.03190416097640991, 0.006062490865588188, 0.025968171656131744,...],[0.002439928939566016, -0.021352028474211693, 0.06229676678776741,...],[-0.02154572866857052,0.09098546206951141,0.006273532286286354,...]]}}
API schema
The following schema is based on JSON Schema
{"task": "text-embeddings","tsClass": "AiTextEmbeddings","jsonSchema": {"input": {"type": "object","properties": {"text": {"oneOf": [{ "type": "string" },{"type": "array","items": {"type": "string"}}]}},"required": ["text"]},"output": {"type": "object","properties": {"shape": {"type": "array","items": {"type": "number"}},"data": {"type": "array","items": {"type": "array","items": {"type": "number"}}}}}}}