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Zaraz Context

The Zaraz Context is a versatile object that provides a set of configurable properties for Zaraz, a web analytics tool for tracking user behavior on websites. These properties can be accessed and utilized across various components, including Worker Variables and JSONata expressions.

System properties, which are automatically collected by Zaraz, provide insights into the user’s environment and device, while Client properties, obtained through Zaraz Web API calls like zaraz.track(), offer additional information on user behavior and actions.

​​ System properties

Property Type Description Object Key-Value object containing all query parameters in the current URL. String Current page title. URL URL Object containing information about the current URL String Current page referrer from document.referrer. String Current page character encoding from document.characterSet.
system.cookies Object Key-Value object containg all present cookies.
system.device.ip String Visitor incoming IP address.
system.device.resolution String Screen resolution for device.
system.device.viewport String Visible web page area in user’s device.
system.device.language String Language used in user’s device. Object Browser user agent. String Browser name.
system.device.user-agent.browser.version String Browser version. String Type of browser engine (for example, WebKit).
system.device.user-agent.engine.version String Version of the browser engine. String Operating system.
system.device.user-agent.os.version String Version of the operating system.
system.device.user-agent.device String Type of device used (for example, iPhone).
system.device.user-agent.cpu String Device’s CPU.
system.misc.random Number Random number unique to each request.
system.misc.timestamp Number Unix time in seconds.
system.misc.timestampMilliseconds Number Unix time in milliseconds.

​​ Event properties

Property Type Description
client.__zarazTrack String Returns the name of the event sent using the Track method of the Web API. Refer to Zaraz Track for more information.
client.<KEY_NAME> String Returns the value of a zaraz.track() eventProperties key. The key can either be directly used in zaraz.track() or set using zaraz.set(). Replace <KEY_NAME> with the name of your key. Refer to Zaraz Track for more information.