Cloudflare Docs
Area 1 Email Security
Area 1 Email Security
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Statistics overview

To access an overview of your account, total number of emails processed, a breakdown of types of threads detected, among other types of information:

  1. Log in to the Area 1 dashboard.
  2. Make sure you are in the Home section to review information regarding your account:
System stats
  • Status of Area 1’s services
  • Uptime of Area 1’s services as well as any downtime
  • Number of processed emails and attacks prevented
Detection stats Statistics regarding the total number of detections made, and emails processed.
Retractions Shows the distribution of messages removed from your user’s mailboxes.
Phish Submissions Stats Statistics regarding the number of phish emails submitted by your users and security operations center (SOC)
Threat Origins Top geographical threat origins to your organization.
Org Spoofs Shows attacks where names in envelopes differ from the header, as well as spoofed domains.
Domain Proximity List of domains similar to your own.
Malicious Threat Type Breakdown of malicious threat types.
Email Link Isolation How many email were processed by Email Link Isolation.
Top BEC Targets What email addresses are the top targets on the Business Email Compromise feature.