How to
The purpose of a how to is to explain how to complete a task within the product.
instructional, straightforward
Required components
Title: Short verb phrase in second-person imperative. Do not use gerund phrases.
Steps: Numbered steps that complete a task.
Next steps: What users should see as the end result of the steps and/or actionable next steps.
Optional components
Context: An introductory paragraph on the following steps and what they will accomplish.
Provide context to the reader that is not in the section heading.
End with a colon or a period. Use a colon if it immediately precedes the steps. Use a period if there is more material (such as a note) between the context and the procedure.
Do not provide context for steps with a partial sentence that is completed by the numbered steps.
Prerequisites: Tasks or conditions that must be completed before a user can complete a series of steps.
Related links: Bulleted list of links to associated resources.
Single procedure how-to
---weight: xxpcx_content_type: how-to---# Second-person imperative verb phraseContext for procedure (optional)1. Step one1. Step two1. Step three1. ...Next steps sentence - what users should see as the end result and/or actionable next steps.
How-to with multiple procedures
---weight: xxpcx_content_type: how-to---# Second-person imperative verb phraseContext for procedures on page (optional)## Second-person imperative verb phrase1. Step one1. Step two1. Step three1. ...Next steps sentence - what users should see as the end result and/or actionable next steps.## Second-person imperative verb phrase1. Step one1. Step two1. Step three1. ...Next steps sentence - what users should see as the end result and/or actionable next steps.
How-to with multiple procedures that must be completed in order
---weight: xxpcx_content_type: how-to---# Second-person imperative verb phraseContext for procedures on page (optional)## 1. Second-person imperative verb phrase1. Step one1. Step two1. Step three1. ...Next steps sentence - what users should see as the end result and/or actionable next steps.## 2. Second-person imperative verb phrase1. Step one1. Step two1. Step three1. ...Next steps sentence - what users should see as the end result and/or actionable next steps.## 3. Second-person imperative verb phrase1. Step one1. Step two1. Step three1. ...Next steps sentence - what users should see as the end result and/or actionable next steps.