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The following table represents the comparison operators that are supported and example values. Filters are added as escaped JSON strings formatted as {"key":"<field>","operator":"<comparison_operator>","value":"<value>"}.

  • Refer to the Log fields page for a list of fields related to each dataset.

  • Comparison operators define how values must relate to fields in the log line for an expression to return true.

  • Values represent the data associated with fields.

Name Operator Notation Supported Field Types
English String Int Bool Array Object Example (operator in bold)
Equal eq {\"key\":\"ClientRequestHost\",\"operator\":\"eq\",\"value\":\"\"}
Not equal !eq {\"key\":\"ClientCountry\",\"operator\":\"!eq\",\"value\":\"ca\"}
Less than lt {\"key\":\"BotScore\",\"operator\":\"lt\",\"value\":\"30\"}
Less than
or equal
leq {\"key\":\"BotScore\",\"operator\":\"leq\",\"value\":\"30\"}
Greater than gt {\"key\":\"BotScore\",\"operator\":\"gt\",\"value\":\"30\"}
Greater than
or equal
geq {\"key\":\"BotScore\",\"operator\":\"geq\",\"value\":\"30\"}
startsWith {\"key\":\"ClientRequestPath\",\"operator\":\"startsWith\",\"value\":\"/foo\"}
endsWith {\"key\":\"ClientRequestPath\",\"operator\":\"endsWith\",\"value\":\"/foo\"}
Does not
start with
!startsWith {\"key\":\"ClientRequestPath\",\"operator\":\"!startsWith\",\"value\":\"/foo\"}
Does not
end with
!endsWith {\"key\":\"ClientRequestPath\",\"operator\":\"!endsWith\",\"value\":\"/foo\"}
Contains contains {\"key\":\"ClientRequestPath\",\"operator\":\"contains\",\"value\":\"/static\"}
Does not
!contains {\"key\":\"ClientRequestPath\",\"operator\":\"!contains\",\"value\":\"/static\"}
Value is in
a set of values
in {\"key\":\"EdgeResponseStatus\",\"operator\":\"in\",\"value\":[200,201]}
Value is not
in a set of values
!in {\"key\":\"EdgeResponseStatus\",\"operator\":\"!in\",\"value\":[200,201]}

The filter field has limits of approximately 30 operators and 1000 bytes. Anything exceeding this value will return an error.

​​ Logical Operators

  • Filters can be connected using AND, OR logical operators.

  • Logical operators can be nested.

Here are some examples of how the logical operators can be implemented. X, Y and Z are used to represent filter criteria:

  • X AND Y AND Z - {"where":{"and":[{X},{Y},{Z}]}}

  • X OR Y OR Z - {"where":{"or":[{X},{Y},{Z}]}}

  • X AND (Y OR Z) - {"where":{"and":[{X}, {"or":[{Y},{Z}]}]}}

  • (X AND Y) OR Z - {"where":{"or":[{"and": [{X},{Y}]},{Z}]}}

​​ Set filters via API or dashboard

Filters can be set via API or the Cloudflare dashboard. Note that using a filter is optional, but if used, it must contain the where key.

​​ API

Here is an example request using cURL via API:

curl -s -X POST<ZONE_ID>/logpush/jobs \
-H 'X-Auth-Key: <KEY>' \
-H 'X-Auth-Email: <EMAIL>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"dataset": "http_requests",
"destination_conf": "s3://<BUCKET_PATH>?region=us-west-2/"
}' | jq .

​​ Dashboard

To set filters through the dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and select the domain you want to use.
  2. Go to Analytics & Logs > Logs.
  3. Select Add Logpush job. A modal window will open.
  4. Select the dataset you want to push to a storage service.
  5. Below Select data fields, in the Filter section, you can set up your filters.
  6. You need to select a Field, an Operator, and a Value.
  7. You can connect more filters using AND and OR logical operators.
  8. Select Next to continue the setting up of your Logpush job.