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HTTP requests

The descriptions below detail the fields available for http_requests.

Field Value Type
BotDetectionIDs List of IDs that correlate to the Bot Management Heuristic detections made on a request. Available in Logpush v2 only. Available only for Bot Management customers. To enable this feature, contact your account team. array[int]
BotScore Cloudflare Bot Score. Scores below 30 are commonly associated with automated traffic. Available only for Bot Management customers. To enable this feature, contact your account team. int
BotScoreSrc Detection engine responsible for generating the Bot Score.
Possible values are Not Computed | Heuristics | Machine Learning | Behavioral Analysis | Verified Bot | JS Fingerprinting | Cloudflare Service. Available only for Bot Management customers. To enable this feature, contact your account team.
BotTags Type of bot traffic (if available). Refer to Bot Tags for the list of potential values. Available in Logpush v2 only. Available only for Bot Management customers. To enable this feature, contact your account team. array[string]
CacheCacheStatus Cache status.
Possible values are unknown | miss | expired | updating | stale | hit | ignored | bypass | revalidated | dynamic | stream_hit | deferred
“dynamic” means that a request is not eligible for cache. This can mean, for example that it was blocked by the firewall. Refer to Cloudflare cache responses for more details.
CacheReserveUsed Cache Reserve was used to serve this request. Available in Logpush v2 only. bool
CacheResponseBytes Number of bytes returned by the cache. int
CacheResponseStatus (deprecated) HTTP status code returned by the cache to the edge. All requests (including non-cacheable ones) go through the cache. Refer also to CacheCacheStatus field. int
CacheTieredFill Tiered Cache was used to serve this request. bool
ClientASN Client AS number. int
ClientCountry 2-letter ISO-3166 country code of the client IP address. string
ClientDeviceType Client device type. string
ClientIP IP address of the client. string
ClientIPClass Client IP class.
Possible values are unknown | badHost | searchEngine | allowlist | monitoringService | noRecord | scan | tor.
ClientMTLSAuthCertFingerprint The SHA256 fingerprint of the certificate presented by the client during mTLS authentication. Only populated on the first request on an mTLS connection. Available in Logpush v2 only. string
ClientMTLSAuthStatus The status of mTLS authentication. Only populated on the first request on an mTLS connection. Available in Logpush v2 only.
Possible values are unknown | ok | absent | untrusted | notyetvalid | expired.
ClientRegionCode The ISO-3166-2 region code of the client IP address. string
ClientRequestBytes Number of bytes in the client request. int
ClientRequestHost Host requested by the client. string
ClientRequestMethod HTTP method of client request. string
ClientRequestPath URI path requested by the client. string
ClientRequestProtocol HTTP protocol of client request. string
ClientRequestReferer HTTP request referrer. string
ClientRequestScheme The URL scheme requested by the visitor. Available in Logpush v2 only. string
ClientRequestSource Identifies requests as coming from an external source or another service within Cloudflare. Refer to ClientRequestSource field for the list of potential values. Available in Logpush v2 only. string
ClientRequestURI URI requested by the client. string
ClientRequestUserAgent User agent reported by the client. string
ClientSSLCipher Client SSL cipher. string
ClientSSLProtocol Client SSL (TLS) protocol. The value “none” means that SSL was not used. string
ClientSrcPort Client source port. int
ClientTCPRTTMs The smoothed average of TCP round-trip time (SRTT). For the initial request on a connection, this is measured only during connection setup. For a subsequent request on the same connection, it is measured over the entire connection lifetime up until the time that request is received. Available in Logpush v2 only. int
ClientXRequestedWith X-Requested-With HTTP header. string
ContentScanObjResults List of content scan results. array[string]
ContentScanObjTypes List of content types. array[string]
Cookies String key-value pairs for Cookies. object
EdgeCFConnectingO2O True if the request looped through multiple zones on the Cloudflare edge. This is considered an orange to orange (o2o) request. Available in Logpush v2 only. bool
EdgeColoCode IATA airport code of data center that received the request. string
EdgeColoID Cloudflare edge colo id. int
EdgeEndTimestamp Timestamp at which the edge finished sending response to the client. int or string
EdgePathingOp Indicates what type of response was issued for this request (unknown = no specific action). string
EdgePathingSrc Details how the request was classified based on security checks (unknown = no specific classification). string
EdgePathingStatus Indicates what data was used to determine the handling of this request (unknown = no data). string
EdgeRateLimitAction (deprecated) The action taken by the blocking rule; empty if no action taken.
Possible values are unknown | simulate | ban | challenge | jsChallenge.
EdgeRateLimitID (deprecated) The internal rule ID of the rate-limiting rule that triggered a block (ban) or log action. 0 if no action taken. int
EdgeRequestHost Host header on the request from the edge to the origin. string
EdgeResponseBodyBytes Size of the HTTP response body returned to clients. Available in Logpush v2 only. int
EdgeResponseBytes Number of bytes returned by the edge to the client. int
EdgeResponseCompressionRatio Edge response compression ratio. float
EdgeResponseContentType Edge response Content-Type header value. string
EdgeResponseStatus HTTP status code returned by Cloudflare to the client. int
EdgeServerIP IP of the edge server making a request to the origin. Possible responses are string in IPv4 or IPv6 format, or empty string. Empty string means that there was no request made to the origin server. string
EdgeStartTimestamp Timestamp at which the edge received request from the client. int or string
EdgeTimeToFirstByteMs Total view of Time To First Byte as measured at Cloudflare’s edge. Starts after a TCP connection is established and ends when Cloudflare begins returning the first byte of a response to eyeballs. Includes TLS handshake time (for new connections) and origin response time. Available in Logpush v2 only. int
FirewallMatchesActions (deprecated) Array of actions the Cloudflare firewall products performed on this request. The individual firewall products associated with this action be found in FirewallMatchesSources and their respective RuleIds can be found in FirewallMatchesRuleIDs. The length of the array is the same as FirewallMatchesRuleIDs and FirewallMatchesSources.
Possible actions are unknown | allow | block | challenge | jschallenge | log | connectionClose | challengeSolved | challengeFailed | challengeBypassed | jschallengeSolved | jschallengeFailed | jschallengeBypassed | bypass | managedChallenge | managedChallengeSkipped | managedChallengeNonInteractiveSolved | managedChallengeInteractiveSolved | managedChallengeBypassed. Use SecurityActions instead (available in Logpush v2 only).
FirewallMatchesRuleIDs (deprecated) Array of RuleIDs of the firewall product that has matched the request. The firewall product associated with the RuleID can be found in FirewallMatchesSources. The length of the array is the same as FirewallMatchesActions and FirewallMatchesSources. Use SecurityRuleIDs instead (available in Logpush v2 only). array[string]
FirewallMatchesSources (deprecated) The firewall products that matched the request. The same product can appear multiple times, which indicates different rules or actions that were activated. The RuleIDs can be found in FirewallMatchesRuleIDs, the actions can be found in FirewallMatchesActions. The length of the array is the same as FirewallMatchesRuleIDs and FirewallMatchesActions.
Possible sources are unknown | asn | country | ip | ipRange | securityLevel | zoneLockdown | waf | firewallRules | uaBlock | rateLimit | bic | hot | l7ddos | botFight | apiShield | botManagement | dlp | firewallManaged | firewallCustom. Use SecuritySources instead (available in Logpush v2 only).
JA3Hash The MD5 hash of the JA3 fingerprint used to profile SSL/TLS clients. Available in Logpush v2 only. Available only for Bot Management customers. To enable this feature, contact your account team. string
OriginDNSResponseTimeMs Time taken to receive a DNS response for an origin name. Usually takes a few milliseconds, but may be longer if a CNAME record is used. Available in Logpush v2 only. int
OriginIP IP of the origin server. string
OriginRequestHeaderSendDurationMs Time taken to send request headers to origin after establishing a connection. Note that this value is usually 0. Available in Logpush v2 only. int
OriginResponseBytes (deprecated) Number of bytes returned by the origin server. int
OriginResponseDurationMs Upstream response time, measured from the first datacenter that receives a request. Includes time taken by Argo Smart Routing and Tiered Cache, plus time to connect and receive a response from origin servers. This field replaces OriginResponseTime. Available in Logpush v2 only. int
OriginResponseHTTPExpires Value of the origin ’expires’ header in RFC1123 format. string
OriginResponseHTTPLastModified Value of the origin ’last-modified’ header in RFC1123 format. string
OriginResponseHeaderReceiveDurationMs Time taken for origin to return response headers after Cloudflare finishes sending request headers. Available in Logpush v2 only. int
OriginResponseStatus Status returned by the origin server. The value 0 means that there was no request made to the origin server and the response was served by Cloudflare’s Edge. int
OriginResponseTime (deprecated) Number of nanoseconds it took the origin to return the response to edge. int
OriginSSLProtocol SSL (TLS) protocol used to connect to the origin. string
OriginTCPHandshakeDurationMs Time taken to complete TCP handshake with origin. This will be 0 if an origin connection is reused. Available in Logpush v2 only. int
OriginTLSHandshakeDurationMs Time taken to complete TLS handshake with origin. This will be 0 if an origin connection is reused. Available in Logpush v2 only. int
ParentRayID Ray ID of the parent request if this request was made using a Worker script. string
RayID ID of the request. string
RequestHeaders String key-value pairs for RequestHeaders. object
ResponseHeaders String key-value pairs for ResponseHeaders. object
SecurityAction Action of the security rule that triggered a terminating action, if any. Available in Logpush v2 only. string
SecurityActions Array of actions the Cloudflare security products performed on this request. The individual security products associated with this action be found in SecuritySources and their respective rule Ids can be found in SecurityRuleIDs. The length of the array is the same as SecurityRuleIDs and SecuritySources.
Possible actions are unknown | allow | block | challenge | jschallenge | log | connectionClose | challengeSolved | challengeFailed | challengeBypassed | jschallengeSolved | jschallengeFailed | jschallengeBypassed | bypass | managedChallenge | managedChallengeSkipped | managedChallengeNonInteractiveSolved | managedChallengeInteractiveSolved | managedChallengeBypassed | rewrite | forceConnectionClose | skip | managedChallengeFailed. Available in Logpush v2 only.
SecurityLevel (deprecated) The security level configured at the time of this request. This is used to determine the sensitivity of the IP Reputation system. string
SecurityRuleDescription Description of the security rule that triggered a terminating action, if any. Available in Logpush v2 only. string
SecurityRuleID Rule ID of the security rule that triggered a terminating action, if any. Available in Logpush v2 only. string
SecurityRuleIDs Array of rule IDs of the security product that matched the request. The security product associated with the rule ID can be found in SecuritySources. The length of the array is the same as SecurityActions and SecuritySources. Available in Logpush v2 only. array[string]
SecuritySources Array of security products that matched the request. The same product can appear multiple times, which indicates different rules or actions that were activated. The rule IDs can be found in SecurityRuleIDs, and the actions can be found in SecurityActions. The length of the array is the same as SecurityRuleIDs and SecurityActions.
Possible sources are unknown | asn | country | ip | ipRange | securityLevel | zoneLockdown | waf | firewallRules | uaBlock | rateLimit | bic | hot | l7ddos | validation | botFight | apiShield | botManagement | dlp | firewallManaged | firewallCustom | apiShieldSchemaValidation | apiShieldTokenValidation. Available in Logpush v2 only.
SmartRouteColoID The Cloudflare datacenter used to connect to the origin server if Argo Smart Routing is used. Available in Logpush v2 only. int
UpperTierColoID The “upper tier” datacenter that was checked for a cached copy if Tiered Cache is used. Available in Logpush v2 only. int
WAFAction (deprecated) Action taken by the WAF, if triggered. Use SecurityAction instead (available in Logpush v2 only). string
WAFAttackScore Overall request score generated by the WAF detection module. int
WAFFlags (deprecated) Additional configuration flags: simulate (0x1) | null. string
WAFMatchedVar (deprecated) The full name of the most-recently matched variable. string
WAFProfile (deprecated) WAF profile.
Possible values are low | med | high.
WAFRCEAttackScore WAF score for an RCE attack. int
WAFRuleID (deprecated) ID of the applied WAF rule. Use SecurityRuleID instead (available in Logpush v2 only). string
WAFRuleMessage (deprecated) Rule message associated with the triggered rule. Use SecurityRuleDescription instead (available in Logpush v2 only). string
WAFSQLiAttackScore WAF score for an SQLi attack. int
WAFXSSAttackScore WAF score for an XSS attack. int
WorkerCPUTime Amount of time in microseconds spent executing a worker, if any. int
WorkerStatus Status returned from worker daemon. string
WorkerSubrequest Whether or not this request was a worker subrequest. bool
WorkerSubrequestCount Number of subrequests issued by a worker when handling this request. int
WorkerWallTimeUs Real-time in microseconds elapsed between start and end of worker invocation. int
ZoneName The human-readable name of the zone (e.g. ‘’). Available in Logpush v2 only. string