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Zero Trust Network Session Logs

The descriptions below detail the fields available for zero_trust_network_sessions.

Field Value Type
AccountID Cloudflare account ID. string
BytesReceived The number of bytes sent from the origin to the client during the network session. int
BytesSent The number of bytes sent from the client to the origin during the network session. int
ClientTCPHandshakeDurationMs Duration of handshaking the TCP connection between the client and Cloudflare in milliseconds. int
ClientTLSCipher TLS cipher suite used in the connection between the client and Cloudflare. string
ClientTLSHandshakeDurationMs Duration of handshaking the TLS connection between the client and Cloudflare in milliseconds. int
ClientTLSVersion TLS protocol version used in the connection between the client and Cloudflare. string
ConnectionCloseReason The reason for closing the connection, only applicable for TCP.
ConnectionReuse Whether the TCP connection was reused for multiple HTTP requests. bool
DestinationTunnelID Identifier of the Cloudflare One connector to which the network session was routed to, if any, such as Cloudflare Tunnel or WARP device. string
DetectedProtocol Detected traffic protocol of the network session. string
DeviceID Identifier of the client device which initiated the network session, if applicable, (for example, WARP Device ID). string
DeviceName Name of the client device which initiated the network session, if applicable, (for example, WARP Device ID). string
EgressColoName The name of the Cloudflare colo from which traffic egressed to the origin. string
EgressIP Source IP used when egressing traffic from Cloudflare to the origin. string
EgressPort Source port used when egressing traffic from Cloudflare to the origin. int
EgressRuleID Identifier of the egress rule that was applied by the Secure Web Gateway, if any. string
EgressRuleName The name of the egress rule that was applied by the Secure Web Gateway, if any. string
Email Email address associated with the user identity which initiated the network session. string
IngressColoName The name of the Cloudflare colo to which traffic ingressed. string
Offramp The type of destination to which the network session was routed.
Possible values are INTERNET | MAGIC | CFD_TUNNEL | WARP.
OriginIP The IP of the destination (“origin”) for the network session. string
OriginPort The port of the destination origin for the network session. int
OriginTLSCertificateIssuer The issuer of the origin TLS certificate. string
OriginTLSCertificateValidationResult The result of validating the TLS certificate of the origin.
OriginTLSCipher TLS cipher suite used in the connection between Cloudflare and the origin. string
OriginTLSHandshakeDurationMs Duration of handshaking the TLS connection between Cloudflare and the origin in milliseconds. int
OriginTLSVersion TLS protocol version used in the connection between Cloudflare and the origin. string
Protocol Network protocol used for this network session.
Possible values are TCP | UDP | ICMP | ICMPV6.
RuleEvaluationDurationMs The duration taken by Secure Web Gateway applying applicable Network, HTTP, and Egress rules to the network session in milliseconds. int
SessionEndTime The network session end timestamp with nanosecond precision. int or string
SessionID The identifier of this network session. string
SessionStartTime The network session start timestamp with nanosecond precision. int or string
SourceIP Source IP of the network session. string
SourceInternalIP Local LAN IP of the device. Only available when connected via a GRE/IPsec tunnel on-ramp. string
SourcePort Source port of the network session. int
UserID User identity where the network session originated from. Only applicable for WARP device clients. string
VirtualNetworkID Identifier of the virtual network configured for the client. string