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Gateway DNS

The descriptions below detail the fields available for gateway_dns.

Field Value Type
ApplicationID ID of the application the domain belongs to (for example, 1, 2). Set to 0 when no ApplicationID is matched. int
ColoCode The name of the colo that received the DNS query (for example, ‘SJC’, ‘MIA’, ‘IAD’). string
ColoID The ID of the colo that received the DNS query (for example, 46, 72, 397). int
Datetime The date and time the corresponding DNS request was made (for example, ‘2021-07-27T00:01:07Z’). int or string
DeviceID UUID of the device where the HTTP request originated from (for example, ‘dad71818-0429-11ec-a0dc-000000000000’). string
DeviceName The name of the device where the HTTP request originated from (for example, ‘Laptop MB810’). string
DstIP The destination IP address the DNS query was made to (for example, ‘’). string
DstPort The destination port used at the edge. The port changes based on the protocol used by the DNS query (for example, 0). int
Email Email used to authenticate the client (for example, ‘’). string
Location Name of the location the DNS request is coming from. Location is created by the customer (for example, ‘Office NYC’). string
LocationID UUID of the location the DNS request is coming from. Location is created by the customer (for example, ‘7bdc7a9c-81d3-4816-8e56-000000000000’). string
MatchedCategoryIDs ID or IDs of category that the domain was matched with the policy (for example, [7,12,28,122,129,163]). array[int]
MatchedCategoryNames Name or names of category that the domain was matched with the policy (for example, [‘Photography’, ‘Weather’]). array[string]
MatchedIndicatorFeedIDs ID or IDs of indicator feed(s) that the domain was matched with the policy (for example, [7,12]). array[int]
MatchedIndicatorFeedNames Name or names of indicator feed(s) that the domain was matched with the policy (for example, [‘Vendor Malware Feed’, ‘Vendor CoC Feed’]). array[string]
Policy Name of the policy that was applied (if any) (for example, ‘7bdc7a9c-81d3-4816-8e56-de1acad3dec5’). string
PolicyID ID of the policy/rule that was applied (if any). string
Protocol The protocol used for the DNS query by the client (for example, ‘udp’). string
QueryCategoryIDs ID or IDs of category that the domain belongs to (for example, [7,12,28,122,129,163]). array[int]
QueryCategoryNames Name or names of category that the domain belongs to (for example, [‘Photography’, ‘Weather’]). array[string]
QueryIndicatorFeedIDs ID or IDs of indicator feed(s) that the domain belongs to (for example, [7,12,28]). array[int]
QueryIndicatorFeedNames Name or names of indicator feed(s) that the domain belongs to (for example, [‘Vendor Malware Feed’, ‘Vendor CoC Feed’, ‘Vendor Phishing Feed’]). array[string]
QueryName The query name (for example, ’’). string
QueryNameReversed Query name in reverse (for example, ‘com.example’). string
QuerySize The size of the DNS request in bytes (for example, 151). int
QueryType The type of DNS query (for example, ‘1’, ‘28’, ‘15’, or ‘16’). string
QueryTypeName The type of DNS query (for example, ‘A’, ‘AAAA’, ‘MX’, or ‘TXT’). string
RCode The return code sent back by the DNS resolver. int
RData The rdata objects (for example, {“type”:“5”,“data”:“dns-packet-placeholder…”}). array[object]
ResolvedIPs The resolved IPs in the response, if any (for example [‘’, ‘’]). array[string]
ResolverDecision Result of the DNS query (for example, ‘overrideForSafeSearch’). string
SrcIP The source IP address making the DNS query (for example, ‘’). string
SrcPort The port used by the client when they sent the DNS request (for example, 0). int
TimeZone Time zone used to calculate the current time, if a matched rule was scheduled with it. string
TimeZoneInferredMethod Method used to pick the time zone for the schedule (from rule/ from user ip/ from local time). string
UserID User identity where the HTTP request originated from (for example, ‘00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000’). string