Cloudflare Docs
Cloudflare Zero Trust
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Application token

Cloudflare Access includes the application token with all authenticated requests to your origin. A typical JWT looks like this:

eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjkzMzhhYmUxYmFmMmZlNDkyZjY0.eyJhdWQiOlsiOTdlMmFhZ TEyMDEyMWY5MDJkZjhiYzk5ZmMzNDU5MTNh.zLYsHmLEginAQUXdygQo08gLTExWNXsN4jBc6PKdB

As shown above, the JWT contains three Base64-URL values separated by dots:

Unless your application is connected to Access through Cloudflare Tunnel, your application must validate the token to ensure the security of your origin. Validation of the header alone is not sufficient — the JWT and signature must be confirmed to avoid identity spoofing.

"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "9338abe1baf2fe492f646a736f25afbf7b025e35c627be4f60c414d4c73069b8",
"typ": "JWT"
  • alg identifies the encoding algorithm.
  • kid identifies the key used to sign the token.
  • typ designates the token format.

​​ Payload

"aud": [
"email": "",
"exp": 1659474457,
"iat": 1659474397,
"nbf": 1659474397,
"iss": "",
"type": "app",
"identity_nonce": "6ei69kawdKzMIAPF",
"sub": "7335d417-61da-459d-899c-0a01c76a2f94",
"country": "US"

The payload contains the actual claim and user information to pass to the application.

Field Description
aud The audience tag for the application to which the token is issued.
email The email address of the authenticated user.
exp The expiration timestamp for the token.
iat The issuance timestamp for the token.
nbf The not-before timestamp for the token, used to checks if the token was received before it should be used.
iss The Cloudflare Access domain URL for the application.
type The type of Access token (app for application token or org for global session token).
identity_nonce A nonce used to get the user’s identity.
sub The ID of the user.
country The country where the user authenticated from.

​​ Custom SAML attributes and OIDC claims

Access allows you to add custom SAML attributes and OIDC claims to your JWT for enhanced verification, if supported by your identity provider. This is configured when you setup your SAML or OIDC provider.

​​ User identity

User identity is useful for checking application permissions. For example, your application can validate that a given user is a member of an Okta or AzureAD group such as Finance-Team.

Due to cookie size limits and bandwidth considerations, the application token only contains a subset of the user’s identity. To get the user’s full identity, send the CF_Authorization cookie to https://<your-team-name> Your request should be structured as follows:

$ curl -H 'cookie: CF_Authorization=<user-token>' https://<your-team-name>

Access will return a JSON structure containing the following data:

Field Description
email The email address of the user.
idp Data from your identity provider.
geo The country where the user authenticated from.
user_uuid The ID of the user.
devicePosture The device posture attributes.
account_id The account ID for your organization.
iat The timestamp indicating when the user logged in.
ip The IP address of the user.
auth_status The status if authenticating with mTLS.
common_name The common name on the mTLS client certificate.
service_token_id The ID of the service token used for authentication.
service_token_status True if authentication was through a service token instead of an IdP.
is_warp True if the user enabled WARP.
is_gateway True if the user enabled WARP and authenticated to a Zero Trust team.
gateway_account_id An ID generated by the WARP client when authenticated to a Zero Trust team.
device_id The ID of the device used for authentication.
version The version of the get-identity object.
device_sessions A list of all sessions initiated by the user.

​​ Signature

Cloudflare generates the signature by signing the encoded header and payload using the SHA-256 algorithm (RS256). In RS256, a private key signs the JWTs and a separate public key verifies the signature.

For more information on JWTs, refer to