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Cloudflare Zero Trust
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OneLogin OIDC

OneLogin provides SSO identity management. Cloudflare Access supports OneLogin as an OIDC identity provider.

​​ Set up OneLogin OIDC

To set up OneLogin as your identity provider:

  1. Log in to your OneLogin admin portal.

  2. Select Apps > Custom Connectors. The Custom Connectors card displays.

  3. Select New Connector.

  4. Name the connector. The connector name card displays. Our example uses access-oidc for the connector name.

  5. In Sign-On Method, select the OpenID Connect option.

  6. In the Redirect URI field, enter your team domain followed by this callback at the end of the path: /cdn-cgi/access/callback. For example:


    OneLogin OIDC Application Basic Configuration page with example Redirect URI

  7. Select Save.

  8. Select More Actions > Add App to Connector.

  9. In the Portal section, enter a name for your application in the Display Name field.

  10. Select Save.

  11. Select the Access tab.

  12. Add the Roles that can access this application.

  13. Select the SSO tab.

  14. Select Show client secret.

  15. Copy both the Client ID and Client Secret.

  16. In Zero Trust, go to Settings > Authentication.

  17. Under Login methods, select Add new.

  18. Select OneLogin as your IdP.

  19. Paste in your copied Client ID and Client secret.

  20. Select Save.

To test that your connection is working, go to Authentication > Login methods and select Test next to OneLogin.

​​ Example API Config

"config": {
"client_id": "<your client id>",
"client_secret": "<your client secret>",
"onelogin_account": ""
"type": "onelogin",
"name": "my example idp"