Cloudflare Docs
Cloudflare Zero Trust
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Centrify secures access to infrastructure, DevOps, cloud, and other modern enterprise so you can prevent the number one cause of breaches: privileged access abuse.

​​ Set up Centrify

These steps help you set up Centrify as your identity provider:

  1. Log in to the Centrify administrator panel.

  2. Select Apps.

  3. Select Add Web Apps.

  4. Select the Custom tab, then select Add OpenID Connect.

  5. On the Add Web App scree, select Yes to create an OpenID Connect application.

  6. Enter an Application ID.

    Centrify Settings with Application ID added

  7. Select Save.

  8. Select Trust in the Settings menu.

  9. Enter a strong application secret on the Trust section.

  10. Under Service Provider Configuration enter your application’s authentication domain as the resource application URL.

  11. Under Authorized Redirect URIs, select Add.

  12. Under Authorized Redirect URIs enter your team domain followed by this callback at the end of the path: /cdn-cgi/access/callback. For example:


    Centrify Trust Identity Provider Configuration with team domain and callback

  13. Select Save.

  14. Take note of the Client ID, Client Secret, OpenID Connect Issuer URL, and Application ID from the Settings tab.

  15. Go to the User Access tab.

  16. Select the roles to grant access to your application.

  17. In Zero Trust, go to Settings > Authentication.

  18. Under Login methods, select Add new.

  19. Paste in the Client ID, Client Secret, Centrify account URL and Application ID.

  20. Select Save.

To test that your connection is working, go to Authentication > Login methods and select Test next to the login method you want to test.

​​ Example API Config

"config": {
"client_id": "<your client id>",
"client_secret": "<your client secret>",
"centrify_account": "",
"centrify_app_id": "exampleapp"
"type": "centrify",
"name": "my example idp"